As a content creator, I am writing an article on the abbreviation of vehicle systems in English for the first chapter of the driving subject.

The driving subject is designed to teach learners how to operate a vehicle safelyeffectively. It includes various modules,the first module focuses on the vehicles basic systems. In this article, we will explore the abbreviations of these systems in English.

There are several vehicle systems that drivers should know to operate a car correctly. Here are the abbreviationstheir meanings:

1. ABS - Anti-lock Braking System: This system prevents the wheelslocking up when the driver applies the brakes suddenly.

2. EBD - Electronic Brakeforce Distribution: This assists ABS by distributing the braking force between frontrear wheels.

3. ESC - Electronic Stability Control: This system detects potential skidsautomatically applies the brakes to individual wheels to maintain control.

4. TCS - Traction Control System: It helps the vehicle to maintain stabilityprevents wheel spinning on slippery surfaces.

5. TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring System: This system detects the tire pressurealerts the driver when it is low.

6. ECU - Electronic Control Unit: It is the central control unit of a modern vehicle that manages all the electronic systems.

7. HVAC - Heating, Ventilation,Air Conditioning: This system regulates the temperaturehumidity inside the car.

Mastering the knowledge of vehicle systems is one essential skill for passing the driving testbecoming a competent driver. By understanding the abbreviations of these systems in English, learners can communicate with mechanicstroubleshoot issues with their vehicles efficiently.
  • 1. 机动车仪表板上如图所示指示灯亮时,防抱死制动系统处于打开状态。正确错误
  • 2. 驾驶载货汽车载物超过最大允许总质量未达到百分之三十的,一次记1分。正确错误
  • 3. 驾驶人在一个记分周期内累积记分达到12分的,交通警察依法扣留驾驶证。正确错误
  • 4. 造成致人轻伤以上或者死亡的交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪的,一次记9分。正确错误
  • 5. 车辆在山区道路跟车行驶时,应怎样做?A、紧随前车之后B、适当加大安全距离C、适当减小安全距离D、尽可能寻找超车机会
  • 6. 驾驶机动车驶离高速公路时,以下做法正确的是什么?A、加速直接驶离高速公路B、驶入减速车道C、提前开启左转向灯D、连续变更多条车道驶入减速车道
  • 7. 驾驶机动车变更车道时,以下做法正确的是什么?A、开启转向灯的同时变更车道B、在道路同方向划有2条以上机动车道的,不得影响相关车道内行驶的机动车的正常行驶C、在车辆较少路段,可以随意变更车道D、遇前方道路拥堵,可以向应急车道变更
  • 8. 以下不属于机动车驾驶证审验内容的是什么?A、道路交通安全违法行为、交通事故处理情况B、驾驶人身体条件C、记满12分后参加学习和考试情况D、驾驶车辆累计行驶里程
  • 9. 在下图所示的交通事故中,有关事故责任认定,正确的说法是什么?A、B车闯红灯,所以B车负全责B、B车可以右转,但不得妨碍被放行的直行车辆,所以B车负全责C、直行车辆不得妨碍右转车辆,所以A车负全责D、右侧方向的车辆具有优先通行权,故A车负全责
  • 10. 上道路行驶的机动车故意遮挡、污损机动车号牌的一次记多少分?A、9分B、6分C、3分D、12分
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