2025-01-20 12:03:25As a content creator, I am writing an article on the abbreviation of vehicle systems in English for the first chapter of the driving subject.
The driving subject is designed to teach learners how to operate a vehicle safelyeffectively. It includes various modules,the first module focuses on the vehicles basic systems. In this article, we will explore the abbreviations of these systems in English.
There are several vehicle systems that drivers should know to operate a car correctly. Here are the abbreviationstheir meanings:
1. ABS - Anti-lock Braking System: This system prevents the wheelslocking up when the driver applies the brakes suddenly.
2. EBD - Electronic Brakeforce Distribution: This assists ABS by distributing the braking force between frontrear wheels.
3. ESC - Electronic Stability Control: This system detects potential skidsautomatically applies the brakes to individual wheels to maintain control.
4. TCS - Traction Control System: It helps the vehicle to maintain stabilityprevents wheel spinning on slippery surfaces.
5. TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring System: This system detects the tire pressurealerts the driver when it is low.
6. ECU - Electronic Control Unit: It is the central control unit of a modern vehicle that manages all the electronic systems.
7. HVAC - Heating, Ventilation,Air Conditioning: This system regulates the temperaturehumidity inside the car.
Mastering the knowledge of vehicle systems is one essential skill for passing the driving testbecoming a competent driver. By understanding the abbreviations of these systems in English, learners can communicate with mechanicstroubleshoot issues with their vehicles efficiently.
- 1. 驾驶机动车上路行驶应当按规定悬挂号牌。正确错误
- 2. 这个标志是线形诱导标,用以引导行车方向,提醒驾驶人谨慎驾驶。正确错误
- 3. 如图所示,驾驶机动车遇到这种情形时,应停车让行。正确错误
- 4. 机动车发生财产损失交通事故,对应当自行撤离现场而未撤离的,交通警察可以责令当事人撤离现场。正确错误
- 5. 如图所示,在高速公路同方向三条机动车道最左侧车道行驶,应保持什么车速?A、110公里/小时~120公里/小时B、100公里/小时~120公里/小时C、90公里/小时~110公里/小时D、60公里/小时~120公里/小时
- 6. 机动车仪表板上如下图所示指示灯亮表示什么?A、前雾灯打开B、后雾灯打开C、前照灯近光打开D、前照灯远光打开
- 7. 下列哪种情况可以向机动车驾驶证核发地车辆管理所申请补发?A、驾驶证被扣押B、驾驶证被扣留C、驾驶证遗失D、驾驶证被暂扣
- 8. 车辆因故障等原因需要被牵引时,以下说法正确的是什么?A、前后车均应打开报警灯B、所有车辆都应让行C、两车尽量快速行驶D、不受交通信号限制
- 9. 这个标志是何含义?A、直行和向右转弯B、直行和向左转弯C、禁止直行和向右转弯D、只准向左和向右转弯
- 10. 这个标志是何含义?A、隧道开远光灯B、隧道减速C、隧道开灯D、隧道开示宽灯
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