In China, getting a drivers license involves passing three exams,the first exam is known as the Theory Test. The English abbreviation for the Theory Test is Subject 1S1 for short. This exam tests the drivers knowledge of traffic lawsregulations, as well as their understanding of safe driving practices. To pass the S1 exam, one must answer at least 90 of the 100 questions correctly within the set time limit. The questions cover a wide range of topics, such as traffic signssignals, driving etiquette,the consequences of driving under the influence of drugsalcohol. Therefore, it is essential for those preparing for the S1 exam to readstudy the latest edition of the drivers manual thoroughly. Passing the S1 exam is a crucial step towards obtaining a Chinese drivers licenseis essential for safe driving on Chinas roads.
  • 1. 已达到报废标准的机动车经大修后也不可以上路行驶。正确错误
  • 2. 机动车发生轻微财产损失的交通事故,对应当自行撤离现场而未撤离的,交通警察有权责令当事人撤离现场。正确错误
  • 3. 对发生道路交通事故需要收集证据的事故车,交通警察可以依法扣留。正确错误
  • 4. 驾驶机动车遇到这种信号灯,可在对面直行车前直接向左转弯。正确错误
  • 5. 这个标志是何含义?A、双向交通B、分离式道路C、潮汐车道D、减速让行
  • 6. 关于机动车驾驶人参加审验教育时在签注学习记录、学习过程中弄虚作假的会受到的处罚,以下说法错误的是什么?A、处一千元以下罚款B、相应学习记录无效C、暂扣机动车驾驶证D、重新参加审验学习
  • 7. 驾驶机动车在高速公路以外的道路上逆行的,将被一次记多少分?A、9分B、6分C、3分D、1分
  • 8. 在路口遇这种情形怎样通行?A、鸣喇叭告知让行B、直接加速转弯C、让左方来车先行D、减速缓慢转弯
  • 9. 驾驶证审验内容不包括以下哪一项?A、道路交通安全违法行为、交通事故处理情况B、身体条件情况C、道路交通安全违法行为记分及记满12分后参加学习和考试情况D、机动车检验情况
  • 10. 机动车仪表板上如图所示指示灯亮表示什么?A、空气内循环B、侧面出风C、空气外循环D、迎面出风
科目一仿真考试 (100题)
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