As a foreigner living in China, one of the essential documents to obtain is a Chinese drivers license. To obtain a drivers license in China, you need to pass the written test, which includes many types of questions, such as multiple-choice, truefalse,matching. One type of question that tends to be challenging for foreign applicants is the abbreviation in English test.

The abbreviation in English test is to assess if the applicant can recognizeunderstand the meaning of abbreviations in English. Examples of abbreviations in English that may appear on the test include:

1. ABS (Antilock Braking System)
2. GPS (Global Positioning System)
3. DUI (Driving Under the Influence)
4. EBD (Electronic Brake-force Distribution)
5. RPM (Revolutions Per Minute)
6. SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)
7. VVT (Variable Valve Timing)
8. ESC (Electronic Stability Control)

To prepare for this type of test, it is necessary to memorizeunderstand the meaning of common abbreviations related to drivingtransportation. You can find lists of relevant English abbreviations onlinein textbooks specific to the Chinese drivers license test.

Besides memorization, it is also essential to understand how to use context clues to identify the meaning of an abbreviation that you may not be familiar with. For example, suppose you encounter the abbreviation HUD on the test. In that case, you may infer that it refers to a Head-Up Display used on vehicles to project information onto the windshield through contextual clues, such as vehicle equipmentdriver visibility.

Overall, passing the abbreviation in English test requires both memorizationinference skills. With enough practicepreparation, foreign applicants can successfully pass this portion of the written testmove one step closer to obtaining a Chinese drivers license.
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  • 1. 机动车驾驶人在驾驶证有效期满换领驾驶证时,可以到具有健康体检资质的二级以上医院、乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务中心、健康体检中心等医疗机构体检。正确错误
  • 2. 这个标志的含义是提醒前方桥面宽度变窄。正确错误
  • 3. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上违法停车的,一次记12分。正确错误
  • 4. 打开右转向灯开关,如图所示指示灯亮起。正确错误
  • 5. 在图中位置停车会被记多少分?A、1分B、2分C、3分D、不记分
  • 6. 关于分道通行,下列说法错误的是什么?A、机动车、非机动车、行人实行分道通行B、在没有划分车道的道路上通行,机动车在道路右侧通行C、在没有划分车道的道路上通行,非机动车和行人在道路两侧通行D、道路划分为机动车道、非机动车道和人行道
  • 7. 机动车仪表板上如图指示灯亮表示什么?A、两侧车门开启B、行李舱开启C、发动机舱开启D、燃油箱盖开启
  • 8. 遇到这种单方交通事故,应如何处理?A、不用报警B、报警C、直接联系路政部门进行理赔D、直接联系绿化部门
  • 9. 这是什么踏板?A、加速踏板B、离合器踏板C、制动踏板D、驻车制动器
  • 10. 在高速公路上驾驶机动车,以下做法正确的是什么?A、在行车道停车B、一次变更两条车道C、错过出口后继续行驶,从下一出口驶出D、遇前车行驶缓慢使用应急车道通行
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