2024-11-18 12:46:43As an AI language model, Id to provide you with a list of English abbreviations related to drivers license exams:
1. DL - Drivers License
2. DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles
3. CDL - Commercial Drivers License
4. GDL - Graduated Drivers License
5. DLD - Driver License Division
6. MVA - Motor Vehicle Administration
7. MVD - Motor Vehicle Division
8. DPS - Department of Public Safety
9. RMV - Registry of Motor Vehicles
10. DOT - Department of Transportation
11. ODT - Ohio Driver’s Training
12. G1 - Level one Graduated Drivers License (Canada)
13. G2 - Level two Graduated Drivers License (Canada)
14. Ls - Learners Permit (Australia)
15. Ps - Probationary License (Australia)
For those who are preparing for the drivers license examsstudying abroad, knowing these abbreviations will definitely come in handy!
- 1. 驾驶机动车在雾天行车要开启雾灯。正确错误
- 2. 造成这起事故的主要原因是行人从车前横穿。正确错误
- 3. 一辆严重超载的自卸低速货车在经过急转弯长下坡路段时突然刹车失灵,冲进赶集人群,导致10人死亡、16人受伤。该事故发生的原因是货车刹车失灵和货车超载。正确错误
- 4. 在冰雪道路上行车时,机动车的稳定性降低,加速过急时车轮易空转或溜滑。正确错误
- 5. 驾驶机动车遇到这样的情景怎样行驶?A、连续鸣喇叭B、快速通过C、减速慢行D、从一侧绕行
- 6. 轮胎气压过低时,高速行驶轮胎会出现波浪变形温度升高而导致什么情况发生?A、气压不稳B、气压更低C、行驶阻力增大D、爆胎
- 7. 如图所示,驾驶机动车遇到这种情形怎么办?A、迅速从车左侧超越B、保持较大跟车距离C、连续鸣喇叭告知D、迅速从车右侧超越
- 8. 行车中突遇对方车辆强行超车,占据自己车道,正确的做法是什么?A、加速行驶B、尽可能减速避让,直至停车C、保持原车速行驶D、挡住其去路
- 9. 机动车上高速公路,以下哪种说法是错误的?A、不可骑、轧车道分界线行驶B、不可在路肩上行驶C、可以在匝道、加速车道或者减速车道上超车D、不可学习驾驶
- 10. 车辆在较窄的山路上行驶时,如果靠山体的一方不让行,应怎样做?A、向左占道,谨慎驶过B、提前减速或停车避让C、保持正常车速行驶D、鸣喇叭催其让行
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