2024学车考驾照英文题库科目一英语/理论考试/手机APP版/PC版 Chinese Driving License Test咨询购买英文科目一考试题库请加微信:ybkfzs↓1、If a motorized vehicle driver has caused a major accident in violation of the traffic regulations which has caused serious injury, the driver is subject to a prison term of less than 3 yearsa criminal detention.A、RightB、WrongAnswer:A2、Driving a motorized vehicle in the city road which has no central line, the maximum speed can not exceed 50 kilometers per hour.A、RightB、WrongAnswer:B3、In this case, if it has not begun going up the slope, the vehicle going uphill should yield to the one going downhill.A、RightB、WrongAnswer:A4、In such road sections, you can enter the cross-hatched marking area to wait.A、RightB、WrongAnswer:B5、You can make an U turn at this intersection.A、RightB、WrongAnswer:B6、The validity of the driving license which is initially applied for is ______.A、 3 yearsB、 5 yearsC、 6 yearsD、12 yearsAnswer:C7、What does this sign mean?A、 Reminding the side of a reservoir, lakeriver aheadB、 Reminding the steep uphill road aheadC、.Reminding continuous twomore up slopes aheadD、 Reminding the steep downhill road aheadAnswer:B8、What does this sign mean?A、Reminding continuous twomore up slopes aheadB、Reminding the steep uphill road aheadC、Reminding the steep downhill road aheadD、Reminding continuous twomore down slopes aheadAnswer:D9、The yellow lane-dividing line on the road is used to _____.A、allow to drive in left laneB、separate the traffic flow in opposite directionsC、separate the traffic flow in the same directionD、prohibit to cross the opposite laneAnswer:B10、This set of the hand signals of the traffic police indicates that the vehicles should ____ .A、turn rightB、change laneC、reduce speedpass slowlyD、pull overAnswer:C11、Whats the meaning of this sign?A、provincial highway No.B、county road No.C、township road No.D、national highway No.Answer:C12、ABS system can maximize the braking efficiency when conducting _______.A、braking intermittentlyB、braking continuouslyC、applying emergency brakingD、gently depressing the brake pedalAnswer:C13、What is the role of ABS system when applying emergency braking?A、cut off the power outputB、control the direction automaticallyC、reduce braking inertiaD、prevent wheel blockingAnswer:D14、What pedal is it?A、clutch pedalB、brake pedalC、handbrakeD、accelerator pedalAnswer:A15、The hazard lights can be used when ________ .A、encountering traffic congestionB、following a vehicle on roadC、the vehicle breaks downstopsD、leading the vehicle behindAnswer:C16、How to do in this intersection?A、wait in the cross-hatched marking areaB、stopwait outside the intersectionC、follow the vehicle in frontpassD、wait inside the intersectionAnswer:B17、Which of the following vehicle in front in the same lane is not allowed to be overtaken?A、the vehicle is reducing speed to yieldB、the vehicle is running normallyC、the vehicle is overtakingD、the vehicle is making a stopAnswer:C18、From which side to overtake?A、both sidesB、right sideC、left sideD、the side with no obstacleAnswer:C19、How to do in this situation?A、stopyield to the pedestriansB、bypassthe front of the pedestriansC、honk to remind the pedestriansD、bypassthe rear of the pedestriansAnswer:C20、What kind of violation does this broken down vehicle have?A、not turn on the hazard lightsB、not stop the car by the roadsideC、not solve the problem at onceD、not place the warning signAnswer:D
  • 1. 驾驶纯电动汽车出行前,应确保电池电量充足,并提前规划路线,了解途中充电桩或充电站位置。正确错误
  • 2. 驾驶机动车在道路上发生交通事故,任何情况下都应标明现场位置后,先行撤离现场。正确错误
  • 3. 这个标志的含义是告示前方道路有障碍物,车辆左侧绕行。正确错误
  • 4. 持有大型客车、重型牵引挂车、城市公交车、中型客车、大型货车驾驶证的驾驶人,应当在每个记分周期结束后三十日内到公安机关交通管理部门接受审验。但在一个记分周期内没有记分记录的,免予本记分周期审验。正确错误
  • 5. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度气象条件下,能见度在100米以下时,车速不得超过每小时多少公里,与同车道前车至少保持多少米的距离?A、40,50B、40,40C、50,40D、50,30
  • 6. 上道路行驶的机动车有哪种情形交通警察可依法扣留车辆?A、未携带身份证B、未携带行驶证C、未放置城市环保标志D、未携带机动车登记证书
  • 7. 关于机动车驾驶人参加审验教育时在签注学习记录、学习过程中弄虚作假的会受到的处罚,以下说法错误的是什么?A、处一千元以下罚款B、相应学习记录无效C、暂扣机动车驾驶证D、重新参加审验学习
  • 8. 下列交通违法行为,一次记12分的是什么?A、连续驾驶中型以上载客汽车、危险物品运输车超过4小时未停车休息的B、驾驶机动车在城市快速路上违法占用应急车道行驶的C、机动车驾驶证被暂扣或者扣留期间驾驶机动车D、驾驶机动车在高速公路或者城市快速路上倒车的
  • 9. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度气象条件时,能见度在50米以下时,以下做法正确的是什么?A、加速驶离高速公路B、在应急车道上停车等待C、可以继续行驶,但车速不得超过每小时40公里D、以不超过每小时20公里的车速从最近的出口尽快驶离高速公路
  • 10. 这辆在道路上行驶的机动车有下列哪种违法行为?A、逆向行驶B、未按规定悬挂号牌C、故意遮挡号牌D、占用非机动车道
科目一仿真考试 (100题)
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